Written by the children who attended.
Today we gladly represent Dunstall Hill Primary School by joining the Mayor for afternoon tea. Firstly, we listened to the Mayor’s speech about how much money schools across Wolverhampton had raised for the Mayor’s charity (our contribution to this was £225). Then, we got to enjoy delicious cakes and a colourful fruit salad which were all very well presented. Whilst we ate the cakes, the Mayor came round and spoke to us and asked if we had any questions, one of our questions were “What is your favourite part of being a Mayor?” He replied, “The children because they are the future of Wolverhampton.”
A little while later we got a chance to visit the Mayor’s office, have a look at the painting and silverware in the parlour and go onto the balcony which had amazing views of Wolverhampton. What a great afternoon we had!

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