School meals

Healthy and well-balanced meals are cooked within school and provision is made for children who are vegetarian, have allergies or are unable to eat certain foods on religious grounds. Alternatively children are allowed to bring a packed lunch into school if they prefer and this should include a healthy balanced lunch which includes no chocolate or fizzy drinks. Children can opt to change from a school lunch to a packed lunch and vice versa.

For convenience, parents are encouraged to use our online Parent Pay system to pay for school meals. Parent Pay is an online payment system which allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, trips and activities. To find out more about Parent Pay, please go online or speak to our school office. Cash payments are required daily or weekly.

Dunstall Hill Primary School work closely with our school meals provider to create a personalised menu that is suitable for our children.


If you think your child may be entitled to free school meals please contact the school office or Wolverhampton City Council for further details. Although all KS1 children are now entitled to free school meals it is important that you continue to claim for free school meals. Further information can be obtained from the school office or online at


Click here to see our menu