We believe that meeting every pupil’s needs is a shared responsibility. Therefore, we are committed to promoting a positive learning environment that challenges, supports and celebrates every pupil’s achievements, through an inclusive curriculum, to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils.
At Dunstall Hill, we have an Inclusion Team to identify, support and monitor the needs of all children across all phases of the school. This team consists of the Inclusion Manager and Headteacher (Mrs Chander), the SENDCo (Miss Tustin), the Family Support Worker (Miss Cummings) and the Assistant Educational Psychologist (Miss Meredith). This team work closely together to offer support that includes both SEND needs and social and emotional needs.
To achieve our vision, we aim to:
- Create a happy and secure learning environment where all children’s needs are met and where achievements are recognised and praised.
- Promote the children’s spiritual, physical and emotional well-being so that they are secure, confident and well motivated.
- Help children acquire the knowledge, skills and confidence which enables them to lead full, interesting and independent lives.
- Have high and clear expectations for learning and behaviour.
- Deliver a broad and balanced curriculum.
At Dunstall Hill Primary School, our designated SEND Coordinator is Miss Tustin who is responsible for:
- Co-ordinating the provision and support for children with SEND.
- Day to day operation of the schools’ SEND policy.
- Liaising with and advising fellow teachers/teaching assistants.
- Monitoring and supporting the writing and reviewing of IEP’s.
- Liaising with parents and external agencies.
- Contributing and arranging training for staff.
- Managing the procedure and provision for children with EHCPs.
- Co-ordinating the support for children with SEND.
The Wolverhampton Local Offer sets out all services available to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities, from birth to 25 years, and their families.
Please click below for more information about the Wolverhampton Local Offer:
Wolverhampton information Network
Wolverhampton SEND advice and support
Please click on the link below to view our full SEND Policy: