Eco Committee

In Autumn 2, the eco-warriors ran a poster competition to encourage recycling around school. Every class chose their favourite posters from their class and the eco-committee chose a final winner from KS1 and KS2. We were really impressed by all the entries and really...

Children In Need

Thank you for supporting BBC Children in Need 2019. We raised an amazing £323.27!  With this money we can continue to change the lives of children and young people across the UK . The children had a great time taking part and raising money for this...

Year 4PS’s Trip to Cadbury’s World

As part of our topic, Chocolate around the world, Year 4 spent an amazing day at Cadbury’s World. During the visit, the children discovered where chocolate originated from, how it is produced and how chocolate has changed over the years. The children also had the...

Girls Football Tournament

On Friday 6th December a group of Year 5 and 6 girls took part in a seven a side football tournament hosted by Wolves Foundation at the Aldersley Dome. The girls competed against four other schools playing each game for 15 minutes. Having first drawn 0-0 against MAT...