At Dunstall Hill Primary School, our aim is to provide all of our children with a positive, safe and caring environment in which they can flourish and learn, in order to prepare them for the journey of life ahead.
Every staff member shares a mutual desire for all pupils to achieve, be happy and succeed in everything they do.
At Dunstall Hill, we deliver the curriculum through an imaginative range of activities, giving our children extensive experience, along with the confidence and independence to apply their skills in real life.
We actively encourage all parents to work alongside staff, children, governors and the wider community to ensure our pupils are provided with the best possible opportunities throughout their time at Dunstall Hill Primary School.
I am extremely proud to be part of the leadership here and very much look forward to working with you in ensuring your child benefits from all that we can offer at Dunstall Hill Primary School.
Mr Darryl Asbury
Executive Head Teacher

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Year 3’s WOW Day!
When we arrived back to school after Christmas, year 3 found that an intruder had broken in over the holidays and had been camping out outside the year 3 classrooms. The intruder had made a bed and a fire and left a big mess behind them. We spent the morning looking...
Eco Committee
In Autumn 2, the eco-warriors ran a poster competition to encourage recycling around school. Every class chose their favourite posters from their class and the eco-committee chose a final winner from KS1 and KS2. We were really impressed by all the entries and really...