School Uniform
School Uniform
- Dunstall Hill Primary School’s uniform:
- cardigan/ jumper – red (Cardigans/ jumpers with the school logo are available but not a requirement)
- skirt/ pinafore/ trousers – grey or black
- blouse/ polo shirt – white
- socks/ tights/ leggings – black/ grey/ white/red
- shoes – low heeled, black (No trainers)
- coat
- headscarves – black/ red/ white (for those pupils who wear them)
- bag/ book bag is advised.
- Grey/black shorts
- Red and white checked summer dress
PE Kit
Physical Education is a compulsory part of the curriculum for all pupils at every key stage. Therefore, it is vital that your child attends school with the correct uniform to take part in PE lessons and sports clubs.
At Dunstall Hill the PE uniform requires:
- White t-shirt ·
- Red / Black shorts
- Grey or black tracksuit bottoms and Sweatshirt.
- Trainers (outdoor PE)
- Black pumps (indoor PE)
- No jewellery
Please ensure all kit, including the PE bag is labelled with your child’s name.

Parents/ carers will be informed if their child is going swimming in advance of their first lesson. The kit required for swimming is based on the requirements of and risk assessments carried out by the leisure centre who provide the lessons.
These are:
- shorts which do not go past the knee or a one-piece swimming costume
- a swimming cap for those with long hair (these can be borrowed from school or provided from home if you wish)
- a towel
- no jewellery can be worn.
Footwear – It is essential that children wear suitable footwear for school that allows their feet adequate room and gives proper support and ventilation. For this reason, please do not send children to school wearing fashion shoes or trainers.
Jewellery – In order to ensure adequate safety standards, particularly in organised games and physical education, children should not wear jewellery, especially earrings while at school. Studs are allowed, but must be removed or covered over for PE and games.
Our latest school uniform policy can be located on the policies page on this website.
Where to buy
Crested School Wear 26-27 Wulfrun Way, Wolverhampton WV1 3HG
Help us to avoid lost items….
It would be very helpful if each item of clothing is marked with the child’s name. This makes it easier to return any lost items to their owners.