Our New Sensory Garden

This year we have had great fun developing our garden area. Have a look at our sensory garden below. We planted mint and rosemary for its fresh taste, elephant grass for its rustling sounds, Stachys byzantina for a furry feel, oxeye daisies for there beautiful look...

Afternoon Tea with the Mayor

Written by the children who attended. Today we gladly represent Dunstall Hill Primary School by joining the Mayor for afternoon tea. Firstly, we listened to the Mayor’s speech about how much money schools across Wolverhampton had raised for the Mayor’s charity (our...

What a performance!

This year, Ormiston New Academy has been providing dance classes for children in primary schools across Wolverhampton. Every Thursday after school year four dance team ‘Sparks’ have been attending lessons and this week took to the stage to perform a dance...

Year 3 Residential at Chasewater

In March, 30 year 3s headed to Chasewater Outdoor Activity Centre for 2 days of activities linking to our Stone Age topic. The trip began with a caveman workshop in which we were shown reconstructions of Stone Age tools and weapons and learnt about what it took to...

Comic Relief

On Comic Relief we raised a huge £275.92 The whole school took part in coaching circles groups where members from every class came together and celebrated the meaning behind comic relief and why we do what we do. We got to dress up in red to raise awareness. Thank you...