Active Mathematics – Order! Order!

As part of the Year 4 mathematics curriculum, children need to be able to order numbers up to and beyond 1000.  On Friday 13th September, the whole of Year 4 worked in teams of 6 – 10 to order three and four-digit numbers from smallest to largest and largest to...

The Great School Run 2019

On Friday 14th June, 25 children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 took part in the Wolverhampton Great School Run. In the morning, the children participated in taster sessions where they tried Boxercise, Fencing, Fun Football and Tennis. Then, the children had a quick lunch...

Inter-MAT Girls’ Dodgeball

On Monday 10th June, Dunstall Hill hosted the first (of many) Inter-MAT competitions. This competition was dodgeball and we entered two teams, which consisted of 17 girls from Years 4, 5 and 6. The girls were eager to take part and show off their powerful throws,...