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Y5/6 Sports Hall Athletics Competition 2019

On Monday 25th November, 20 children from Years 5 and 6 represented Dunstall Hill Primary School in the Wolverhampton Indoor Athletics Heats. We entered two teams into the event. The children took part in a range of running, throwing and jumping events. A highlight...

Girls Football Tournament

On Friday 6th December a group of Year 5 and 6 girls took part in a seven a side football tournament hosted by Wolves Foundation at the Aldersley Dome. The girls competed against four other schools playing each game for 15 minutes. Having first drawn 0-0 against MAT...

Cannock Chase

Year 2 travelled all the way to Cannock Chase to hunt the Gruffalo, a Gruffalo! Why, didn't you know? He has terrible tusks, and terrible claws, And terrible teeth in his terrible jaws.  We followed the trail looking for clues and characters from the story. We walked...

Wolverhampton Wanderers V Paris Saint-Germain

On Wednesday evening our children had the amazing opportunity to watch Wolverhampton Wanders Under 23s against Pairs Saint-Germain Under 23s. Even though it was cold the children had a fantastic time and saw a 1-1 draw, providing us with entertainment throughout. As...

Year 4 Fire Safety Talk

On Friday 22nd November, Year 4 had their annual Fire Safety talk. This year, the talk was a little bit different as the children had the opportunity to explore an actual Fire Engine! The children learnt ways to keep themselves safe and what to do if a fire starts....